Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What is REALLY important.

Recently Hillary Clinton has released 11,000 papers chronically her schedule as first lady in the white house.

So does the media choose to report on the work she did on health care in this country? How about how she fought for children and families, or the speeches she gave around the world? No, they take the high road and run the relevant and critical story truly important to her experience in American politics and foreign affairs, Hillary Was Home On Day Bill Had Affair.

Looking for a way to respond? Call Brian Ross of ABC News at 212-456-7612 and tell him politely what you think of him bringing up "the blue dress" now. Seriously.

About those documents, it is interesting to note, once again, that the Obama campaign paints Hillary with the controversy and stigma that they themselves guilty of. Clever ruse to say the least but recently, and on several fronts, the Clinton campaign is getting the truth out.

“11,000 pages of the former First Lady’s schedules are now part of the public record and I believe that is approximately 11,000 more documents than the Obama campaign has released up until this point relating to any part of his service especially as a State Senator. ... .. When these documents were released and we had a chance to look at them online, we put out a statement about them and in that statement we called on Senator Obama again to release relevant documents and information from his tenure in the State Senate relating to his schedule, to memos, to letters that he may have written to state agencies perhaps on behalf of Mr. Rezko or others. .. ... We’ve heard different answers from Senator Obama about this when asked about it. At one point he said he had documents, another point he said he did not have documents. Apparently he left his office with nothing. ... .. But we have 11,000 documents in the public record as of today. Senator Clinton has, as many of you know, been the subject of some 60 books. She is in many respects an open book. Senator Obama on the other hand has not been forthcoming with critical information about his tenure. From what I understand Chicago newspapers have multiple FOIA requests into state agencies in Illinois for basic information about Senator Obama’s correspondence with them. Senator Obama should do everything he can to release that information, to speed up that process in Illinois. If he has the letters that he wrote and the responses that he received, which he may well, he should just go ahead and release them, he doesn’t have to wait until the FOIA request has run its course. ... .. There is much that Senator Obama can do on the subject of disclosure if he chooses to make this an issue as he has. I think in many respects he has gotten a free ride on this but there is a voluminous amount of information that presumably should be available relating to his tenure in the State Senate that he could release and make available at any time since he thinks that this is so important. I would again call on him to do so.” - Howard Wolfson

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why women should worry.

Last year, I watched Obama's Planned Parenthood address with a sinking feeling. As a young woman and a feminist, I was excited to see a democratic presidential candidate stand up for womens health issues. Instead, I was sorely disappointed in his commitment to reach out to evangelicals in order to compromise on "common ground" for this vital topics. While I respect the concept of bipartisanship and celebrate unity as much as any American, I feared that this candidate would not be willing to stand firm and unwavering in support of my right to choose and the absolutely necessary access to sexual education and contraception.

I have become increasingly disillusioned by the Obama campaign and his supporters. I really feel that he is a danger to our economy as he already plans on continuing deficient spending to fund his health care plan and other programs. I see in Barack Obama the destruction of any hope this country has for a Universal Health Care plan this century.

The more I see and hear from Obama and his campaign, the more I come to the same conclusion: the self referential campaign is not coincidental, and progressive ideals and values are not a top priority.

Further evidence of this can be found in an article that Obama has posted on his own website. Reclusive Leftist has brought this article back into the light, asking Do feminists for Obama understand what the hell this guy is about?

Sen. Barack Obama had hired Pete Rouse for just such a moment.

It was the fall of 2005, and the celebrated young senator — still new to Capitol Hill but aware of his prospects for higher office — was thinking about voting to confirm John G. Roberts Jr. as chief justice. Talking with his aides, the Illinois Democrat expressed admiration for Roberts’s intellect. Besides, Obama said, if he were president he wouldn’t want his judicial nominees opposed simply on ideological grounds.

And then Rouse, his chief of staff, spoke up. This was no Harvard moot-court exercise, he said. If Obama voted for Roberts, Rouse told him, people would remind him of that every time the Supreme Court issued another conservative ruling, something that could cripple a future presidential run. Obama took it in. And when the roll was called, he voted no.

The final shred of support that I held for the Obama campaign if it enters the General Election came from the Supreme Court nominations. Clearly even in this way, I am let down by the great bringer of hope.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The good Reverend.

"Hillary was not a black boy raised in a single parent home. Barack was," Wright says in a video of the sermon posted on YouTube. "Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people. Hillary! Hillary ain't never been called a 'nigger!' Hillary has never had her people defined as a non-person."

It is true that Hillary Clinton was never raised by her single white mother and two white grandparents after her black father left them. Do these early ears of Obama's life make him distinctively more qualified to be President? According to Reverand Wright's many sermons, women have never faced adversity, discrimination, and have never been treated as less than human or as property. Apparently being raised by a single white mother should make Obama more aware of black suffering, but still completely ignorant and callous to the struggles and difficulties that face women, and particularly mothers, in this country; if his spiritual mentor for the past 20 years is correct.

We've seen Barack Obama align himself with homophobic, hatemongering evangelicals during this primary campaign. We've seen unprecedented numbers of our nation’s top Black religious leaders come out in support of his candidacy because they feel that Obama has dedicated his public life to living the values of his faith outside of his house of worship. Obama toured South Carolina with Donnie McClurkin, a self-proclaimed "former homosexual" who believes it is his mission to turn gays straight. Later, Obama denounced McClurkin's anti-gay sentiments only after concerned liberals began to take notice, sound familiar?

In Obama's video address to America regarding his minister's controversial sermons, he claims that if something is found to be "offensive" to the listener, he denounces it. Is this a new kind of politics? Has the projection of the kind of hope and change we'd like to see in this country really gone so far that we will forgive him of all guilty associations as he allows us to fill in the blank of what he would denounce based on our personal views?

Obama has a close and personal relationship with this pastor and has said so himself countless times over the course of this campaign and his political career. He has been an active member of this church for 20 years and refers to Reverend Wright as an uncle. The Reverend married Barack and Michelle and has served as a spiritual advisory to Barack during this campaign. Videos and transcripts of these controversial sermons are proudly offered for sale by the church and are displayed on the UCC's website for easy viewing. As such it is insulting that Obama expects American voters to swallow the idea that he had NO knowledge of the kind of sexist, racist, Anti-American and antisemitic things that were preached and practiced repeatedly by this pastor and celebrated by the congregation.

Sorry Senator Obama, unlike your doubletalk with NAFTA, throwing women and gays under a bus to get the evangelical support, abandonment of core party principles and constituents, THIS is not going to go away just because you try to gloss it over with a distracting "full assault" on Hillary Clinton and her tax returns.

Clinton Communications Director Howard Wolfson also responded sharply, saying much of the Clinton tax returns over the last several years have been made public already.

"I would point out there are 20 years of the Clinton tax returns in the public record, and as far as I am aware, there is one year of Senator Obama's tax returns in the public record — 2006," he said. "I would ask the Obama campaign if he or they are prepared to release all of his taxes when he was in elected office, so far the answer to that has been no."

The clean campaign

It is no question that in our culture and society, rhetoric will always trump reason. This could not be more apparent than in this democratic primary of 2008 and the perceptions of voters, behavior of both candidate's campaigns and subsequent portrayal in Main Stream Media.

One of the biggest talking points I have seen over this weekend, particularly in response to the unfolding Jeremiah Wright scandal, is a general negative feeling towards the Clinton campaign for overly negative and slanderous tactics. It is said that the Obama campaign, as it gears up for what it calls a ""full assault" on Senator Clinton, has run on the message of "hope" and "unity," attempting to create a contrast with their constructed image of the other candidate. So before we witness what the Obama campaign is warning will be a "full assault" on Clinton's character, let's see what their former campaign of hope-and-unity™ has said.

"Obama depicted Clinton as a calculating, poll-tested divisive figure who will only inspire greater partisan divisions as she sides with Republicans on issues like trade, the role of lobbyists in politics and national security. At the same time, he elevated McCain, fresh off victory in Florida’s crucial primary, as the likely Republican nominee.

"Obama accused Hillary of not putting 'honesty first.' "The real choice in this election is between conventional Washington thinking that prizes posture and positioning, or real change that puts judgment and honesty first."

In addition, Obama and his campaign have called Hillary "disingenuous," "too polarizing to win," "divisive," "untruthful," "dishonest" "calculating," "saying and doing whatever it takes to win," "attempting to deceive the American people," "one of the most secretive politicians in America," "literally willing to do anything to win," and "playing politics with war."

Going even farther, they have blanketed states with negative radio advertisements and mailers which have been debunked repeatedly as misleading and often down right wrong! They have attributed Hillary's major primary victories to racism while he repeatedly uses sexist language and imagery.

The discussion of representing "unity" verses "division" deserves it's own commentary, but I find it very telling that Michelle Obama, when asked if she would support Hillary Clinton if she were the party's nominee said that she "would have to think about it"

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sex, shame and solidarity.

Is there really so little going on in the World that Eliot Spitzer's sexual affairs should be dominating the news broadcasts? Maybe something like a war, or an economic recession? Who am I kidding, nothing makes for better news than a respected democrat leader caught with his pants down.

Prostitution is illegal in New York and I believe the negative attention he receives for knowingly breaking a law (which he dedicated much of his career to enforcing) is justified. That being said, I find the "sex scandal" that is erupting on news broadcasts, websites and blogs disheartening. While I would not expect the Main Stream Media to direct its focus on either the rights and wellbeing of sex workers or the exploitation of women, I am disappointed that the "story" is being made of his wife's reaction or lack thereof.

I am appalled that it should come to be an issue whether or not a wife (or husband) would publicly stand beside their partner when apologizing for adultery. This has even become a point of contention amongst Democrats as some feel that Hillary Clinton's continued relationship with her husband was a "let down" for women across the country. Personally, I feel that women are "let down" when they let their lives and their relationships become a commodity. I feel that women are "let down" when they are publicly scrutinized for their private relationships of which we know next to nothing about. I feel that women AND men are let down when we encourage and support the concept of sexual ownership. I feel that America is let down when people can't define their own relationships, goals, expectations and sexuality.

Mostly, I just feel like shouting "WHO THE HELL CARES?!" off of my rooftop. Maybe someday this sort of public scandal will be used a spring board to discuss human trafficking, male privilege or sex workers rights... maybe in Europe.

Very important political insight.

The Undisputable Fact™ that "Hillary says SOME STATES DON'T COUNT" is far more important that the fact that the Obama campaign, aided and abetted by the DNC and "progressive" media, is actually arguing for some states not to count.

This also shows that the Clinton campaign is deeply underhanded and undemocratic, regardless of the out and out bullying practiced by Obama caucus-goers, and their utter refusal to even investigate the possibility of wrongdoing.

Being the divisive and unscrupulous candidate, Hillary Clinton publicly extended hopes that the two campaigns could form a joint ticket so that all that was to be decided was who would go on top. Obama, being the magnanimous uniter of all people, promptly rejected this proposal in no uncertain terms and spun the story to focus on the audacity to suggest that she could win the nomination while managing to gloss over his arrogant response that he was "not running for Vice President."

Some might suggest that the Vice Presidency is an excellent way to gain experience and respect but at the ripe old age of 46, Senator Obama simply does not have the time even to finish his first term in Congress let alone gain vital skills and connections in the embarrassing position Vice President.